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A Holiday Encounter! A True Journey Of Healing…


Not too far back into the past, I wrote a blog about a lady and I who met at the airport travelling to the same place. Before that, one of my blog’s discussed how the people we meet in life are sent to us for a reason. As life would have it, on my return trip I would find out why Ellen and I met. Both of us were headed to see family for the holidays, my father had a bucket list request and wanted his children to spend a holiday all together, it was beautiful and she was headed on a family cruise.

Ellen explained how she lost her husband due to a stroke this time last year. She talked to me about how the last year of healing has been, tough, tough, tough! I listened to her story and thought how strong she has been and when the time came I could share her wisdom.

Ellen had told me with the help of her family and wonderful neighbours, she feels way more confident on her own and is looking forward to the holiday season.

What Ellen shared I though was very insightful. She told me her biggest blessings and what gave her the motivation and belief in herself to find her best life:

  1. Deep family connections.

  2. A great community. She feels safe and supported.

  3. When her husband became unable to talk or communicate his wishes, she asked him if he loved her and he nodded yes. The chance to say goodbye was a tremendous sense of comfort.

  4. In the time following his death the book Widow to Widow was a guide to helping with a go forward plan.

Life as it is, would have me recommending her book, upon our return trip. A close family member suffered a massive stroke just after New Years Day! This is why stories or so important to share.

We can never take someone’s pain away but we can be there to share wisdom when the time comes to heal!

This life thing is complicated yet simple! If we stay in the moment “present” and meet people where they are at, the most simple of gestures will mean the world. If we try to come up with a logical scientific reason why everything happens, this is when we meet complexity.

I hope this post finds you well,

Warm regards,

Danielle Pointon

Live Blue Consulting

Lifestyle Coach

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